Showcase your Transformative Action

Is your city, region or organisation interested in having your Transformative Action showcased as part of the Transformative Actions Database? Then complete the fields below to submit your action. Submission is open to local or regional authorities or organisations that are developing or executing Transformative Actions that:

  1. Further the implementation of the European Green Deal locally (Local Green Deals), by
  2. Spearheading core systemic changes and bold policy shifts for the sustainable transformation of societies.

Once you have submitted your action, you are also one step closer to applying for the Transformative Action Award, which recognises outstanding ongoing or concluded Transformative Actions.

The award is open to any local or regional authority, or civil society organisation located in an EU Member State, EEA country or EU candidate or accession country that has endorsed the Mannheim Message. The applicant must be responsible for the implementation of the Transformative Action and the Action must have been in place for at least three months, but no longer than five years, at the time of submission. All applications must be submitted in English.

Having trouble filling out the form? Please contact

Mandatory fields are indicated by *

Transformative action title (max 100 characters)*

Are you a...? *

Name of the city/region/organisation *
Country *
European Green Deal policy areas addressed *

Transformation Pathways followed *
These pathways are derived from the 15 pathways outlined in the Basque Declaration. For full description click on

In brief (max. 100 words)*
Briefly describe your Transformative Action: what is it about? Who is involved? Why is it necessary?
Context (100-150 words)*
The following section should provide a brief background regarding the current situation in your city/region/local community. What are the characteristics of your city? What are the main sustainability related challenges? Has your city encountered any challenges related to the implementation of its Local Green Deal? This section should refer to the specific problem that your Transformative Action helps to address.
In action (300-400 words)*
This section should describe the Transformative Action your city or organisation has implemented or is in the process of implementing. Concrete facts and figures should be included. Quotes from city representatives or professionals involved in the development of the action are strongly encouraged. Please explain the mechanisms used to implement the transformation and what stakeholders were involved in the actual implementation. Please also specify if local businesses have been involved and if so, in what role, and if a deal or contract was put in place.
Integration (200-300 words)*
This section should expand on how your Transformative Action has considered integration with relevant political frameworks, stakeholders, initiatives, policies, etc. This would include vertical integration, i.e. what other levels of governments (e.g. national or regional government agencies or ministries) have been involved, especially concerning the implementation of the EU Green Deal on the local level (Local Green Deals). How have other overlapping policy areas, projects and topics been meaningfully incorporated into the action? (Please remember to hyperlink any information to relevant websites where readers will be able to find extra information).
Results (150-200 words)*
This section should summarise the results achieved by the Transformative Action. Please include statistics, examples of the benefits obtained and any other concrete quantifiable information that clearly demonstrates the action’s achievements. This section may also include quotes. Key achievements may be presented in bullet points.
Impact (200-300 words)*
Describe the (expected) local environmental, socio-economic and/or socio-cultural impact of the Transformative Action. Explain what the (expected) local impact is, both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective, and how the situation in your community has changed as a result of the ongoing or completed action. Please also indicate how you are measuring/have measured/or intend to measure the action’s impact.
Challenges and lessons learned (max. 100 words)*
Describe the challenges encountered and any lessons learnt, so that other cities and/or organisations can replicate the Transformative Action and avoid similar obstacles.
Upload picture (maximum individual file size: 10MB !)

Please upload at least five high-resolution pictures that illustrate the Transformative Action. To best show the transformation, it is recommended that you include a picture of how the situation was before the Transformative Action was implemented and a picture of how the situation has evolved during/after the implementation of the action. It is also recommended to upload several pictures showcasing the changes produced.

Upload picture *
Credit/ Description of the picture*

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Credit/ Description of the picture

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Credit/ Description of the picture

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Credit/ Description of the picture

Upload picture (5)
Credit/ Description of the picture

Upload file (maximum individual file size: 10MB !)

Add other relevant files (.doc, .xls and .pdf) as a zip file – Up to a maximum of 5 files

Upload file
Title of the file

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Title of the file

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Title of the file

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Title of the file

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Title of the file

Submitted by

Position *
Email address *
Phone number*
Website (URL of the city or the organisation)*
My city/region/organisation has endorsed the Mannheim Message.
My city is planning/implementing a Local Green Deal.
My city/organisation has met the criteria for the Transformative Action Award and wishes to be considered.
Submit Action




ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
European Secretariat

Leopoldring 3
79098 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 761 – 368 92 0
Fax: +49 (0) 761 – 368 92 19



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